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November 2008

Bartender Mentors

St. John Frizell has a story in Edible Manhattan about bartender mentoring, and the passing of knowledge from Dale DeGroff to Audrey Saunders to Jim Meehan to his staff. Go read it. I wrote a long post about how San Francisco is more of a collaborative environment than a mentoring... Read more →

Sherry Seminar

Steve Olson is a consultant and spokesperson for the Wines from Spain, a group of Spanish wine producers. We met at B44 on Belden Lane for a Spanish lunch and big sherry tasting with 14 really fine examples. Sherry is a particularly difficult wine to understand, for reasons explained below.... Read more →

The New DeGroff

The Craft of the Cocktail by Dale DeGroff is one of my go-to books for drink recipes. Come to think of it, for actual drinks I'm going to make around the house, it's probably the first place I look. Now he's released a second book, called The Essential Cocktail: The... Read more →

Cocktails from Outer Space

When you need an expert to rate your science-fiction themed cocktails, you call up writer/bartender St. John Frizell... and Miss Saturn, who rates drinks in numbers of hula hoops. Check out this fun video taken at the theme restaurant/bar Mars 2112. If it doesn't start playing automatically, click on the... Read more →


Of all the competitions between all the spirits brands, there is no more heated battle than the one for dominance of the cachaca market. Cachaca, Brazilian rum made from sugar cane (instead of molasses) is the ingredient in the Caipirinha, the drink many people are banking on to become the... Read more →