Gifts from the Internet
January 07, 2009
Here are some things I liked reading.
The Washington post has a rare story on bars in DC- rare in that it reveals the profits of each bar.
Most people who collect wine probably have more than four bottles if they need a separate wine refrigerator, but you'd be pretty much the coolest cocktailian on the block if you used this under-cabinet wine cooler to store four separate types of vermouth.
The Boston Globe takes on one of the great questions of our times: is it a beer cozy or a beer koozie?
And here's a handy home craft for all those newly unemployed folks with too-much time on their hands: How to make your own cocktail umbrellas.
I expect a few of the Vermouth-heads to climb all over each other trying to be that coolest cocktailian.
Then a bunch of Vodka types will figure out how to make it a freezer and ruin the party....
Posted by: Doug Winship | January 07, 2009 at 10:59 AM