Queen of the Syrups
Inaguration Party Like It's 1829

Glossy Booze: Mid-January Edition

Glossy Booze is a round-up of stories appearing in magazines sent to my house.

In Playboy (January), Scott Beattie continues his media onslaught with a recipe for his Pelo de Perro (that's hair of the dog) from his book. There's also a nice two-page spread on champagne, including a few cocktails.

 Sunset has a story on how to pair wine with vegetables, which is a nice change from the meat/fish thing.

Catch_twenty_two_mistakeMen's Journal also has a Scott Beattie cocktail recipe, this time the the Huck Yu. Beattie's book may have been listed in every single magazine I subscribe to.

In the February issue of the same magazine, there's a blurb about rye whiskey and (ri)1 in particular, as well as three beers to pair with chili.

Best Life (February) has a big story on the Fountain Jet soda maker. I have one that I love, and now they come in festive colors!

In Bon Appetit, Andrew Knowlton lists a Hot Toddy recipe called The Laureate from Daniel Hyatt of The Alembic. Here is the recipe online. There is also a large feature on natural wines.

Oh, and another San Francisco drink recipe is here as well. I'm pretty sure the Catch-22 cocktail was not actually created by Elizabeth Faulkner who is credited indirectly the story (and directly online), but by bartender Jackie Patterson.

In Esquire (February) David Wondrich lists the best cheap booze in several categories- brandy, rum, blended scotch, gin, and bourbon. I'm sure it will be online in a week or two so I'll link to it then.


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Michael Lazar

Not only is that Jackie Patterson's recipe but it's going to be part of the next Left Coast Libations as well.

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