Camper Wins with Pisco
March 26, 2009
Every Thursday there is an incredibly awesome nerdy online event called Thursday Drink Night at the Mixoloseum chat room. It starts at 4PM West Coast time. Each week there is a theme. Sometimes it's a concept (rinses) sometimes a recipe variation (Long Island Iced Tea, Zombie), and sometimes it's a particular product. Last week was Tuaca night, and tonight is Beefeater gin.
In the chat, someone proposes a drink recipe and a bunch of people make the drink to see if they like it. There is much interactive tweaking of the recipes and fun commentary all around. Then we move onto the next drink, and so on throughout the evening.
Many weeks there are contests to see who came up with the best original cocktail of the evening. I won last week with a hastily improvised cocktail I called the Frothee. (Pronounced froth-ay, of course.)
- 1 1/2oz pisco
- 1 1/2oz Tuaca
- 1 1/2oz orange juice
- 1 egg white
- 1 dash orange liqueur (Cointreau)
Shake like a hip granny with crushed ice and strain into a sassy glass.
I'm not saying the drink is perfect but it sure goes down easy.
I'm enjoying one now (in a rather plain glass).
I'd never messed with Tuaca before so I read up on it and got some today. Nice to find a liqueur with a dose of vanilla that doesn't beat you over the head with it.
Thanks Camper!
Posted by: grantbob | March 27, 2009 at 04:21 PM
Pisco is one of the best alcoholic drinks.
Its destilled, tasty and well, you are not going to catch a headache the next day after you drink it.
Posted by: Pisco | April 21, 2009 at 10:24 PM