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March 2009

Gentleman's Information

I had always wondered about the composition of Charles H. Baker's two-volume set , The Gentleman's Companion. I own a reprint called Jigger, Beaker and Glass: Drinking Around the World with just drink recipes in it, but wasn't sure from what parts of the originals it came. Luckily I belong... Read more →

Send More Chipotle

As I was saying in the last post, I had a stunningly delicious drink made by Neyah White of Nopa- one of the best cocktails I've had so far this year. The Escondido Romano is made with maraschino liqueur, Cynar (artichoke) amaro, Hangar One's new limited-edition Chipotle flavored vodka, and... Read more →

Online Barware Pr0n

The people at Cask, who are the people at Bourbon & Branch, have made their inventory available online. So now you can get all your hard-to-find booze (Octomore, anyone?), your $47 Alessi bottle opener, and your vintage copy of the Gentleman's Companion all in one spot. Hot. Check it. Read more →