Drinks to Match the Dress
SF Event: Brews on the Bay

Sommelier Smackdown in St. Helena

I don't often post about wine events but I do love pairing battles.

Sommelier Smackdown: The Rematch!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at The Martini House

Rob RENTERIA(Ravaging Rob)of Martini House vs. Chris BLANCHARD (Killer Chris) of Cuvee.

3 courses by Chef Todd HUMPRHRIES

RECEPTION 6:30  DINNER 7PM on the lawn. $65 / pp all inclusive of tax and tip

Guests will vote after each course, Sommelier selections and winner will be announced following.  Overall winner will be determined by highest number of total votes. 

Call for reservations and more information: 707.963.2233 ext. 1


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