Does Hot Water Make Clearer Ice Than Cold?
Does Carbonated Water Make Clearer Ice than Still Water?

Nice Ice in the News

The Associated Press released the following story on ice today, with a quote from your favorite icesperimentator Camper English. The whole story is here.

SIP: Bartending trend calls for nice ice, baby

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Erik Adkins spends a lot of time on ice.

As general manager of the Heaven's Dog bar in San Francisco he's very particular about what ice goes into his cocktails, preferring hand-carved chunks for slow-sipping drinks and oversized clear cubes for lighter concoctions.

And that's just the tip of the ice trend.

Driven by the same quest for perfection that elevated bread, cheese and wine to objects of desire, ice has entered an epicurean age, coming in new shapes and sizes.

Then I get the closing quote:

On the other hand there's Camper English, a San Francisco-based writer and cocktail expert, who has blogged about his search for clarity, melting and refreezing ice at home to see if that decreases cloudiness and experimenting with distilled water.

So far he hasn't been too successful, but that hasn't curbed his enthusiasm.

"Ice is one of the fun projects that cocktail nerds can play with at home," he says.

He'll go to some lengths for a chill thrill.

"One time I caught myself asking a bartender to see their ice when I was making my drink order," he recalls, "because it was going to matter to me."

Read the whole thing here and see the Index of Ice Experiments on Alcademics here.


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