Alcademics Giveaway: JagerShop Stuff
December 14, 2009
The latest Alcademics giveaway is two items from Jagermeister's store
Whether you're last minute holiday shopping or you just like branded swag as much as I do, you should really check out the JagerShop. They have logo-laden clothing like track jackets and board shorts, sports gear including a snowboard, and bar stuff like ice buckets and bottle cozies.
Better yet, I'm giving away two of the best items from the store: a cooler that holds six bottles of Jager and dispenses shots, and a ski-shaped shot glass holder. If only you could win them both you'd be all set for both winter and summer.
To win one, sign up for the Alcademics A-Plus email list (all prizes, no spam, roughly once a month) and follow the directions when I send out an email tomorrow, Dec 15th.