The Bar Agricole Bar Staff
August 06, 2010
This coming week is the pre-opening of Bar Agricole, the big big big restaurant/bar project from Thad Vogler about which I am very excited. Bar Agricole opens on August 16th (15th according to the SF Chronicle).
I asked Vogler about his bar staff- and got a surprise. All the bartenders will work full-time at Bar Agricole. I know three of the crew pretty well already, and have a feeling I'll get to know the two others soon enough.
The Bar Agricole Bar Staff:
- Ben Krupp (Camino, Slanted Door)
- Rosa Lynley (Farallon, Slanted Door)
- Eric Johnson (Eastside West, Bourbon & Branch, Delarosa, Beretta, Heaven's Dog)
- Craig Lane (Farallon, Heaven's Dog, Slanted Door)
- Thad Vogler (Slanted Door, Bourbon & Branch, Beretta, Camino, Farallon, Jardiniere, Bardessano, Heaven's Dog)
There's only one guy named Eric on that list -- they're clearly not taking this very seriously. :)
Posted by: Anita / Married ...with Dinner | August 06, 2010 at 08:46 PM
Posted by: Camper English | August 06, 2010 at 08:51 PM