Sponsor Shout-Out: G'Vine Gin Connoisseur 2011
March 29, 2011
You may have noticed the groovy new banner to the left. That's telling you about the G'Vine Gin Connoisseur 2011 contest to find the best gin bartender in the world. Click the banner or read below for more info on how it all works.
In addition to the trip to France for the 15 finalists from around the world, those lucky folks will aso get to spend five days there with *me* as I'll be there to report on the contest. I'll make sure they show you a good time.
Even if you're not sure about entering the contest, you might want to register and do the online modules- at worst you'll learn more about gin.
G'Vine Gin Connoisseur 2011
In 2010, over 300 bartenders from 29 different countries competed for the toughest, most prestigious title in gin bartending: The G'Vine Gin Connoisseur.
The G'Vine Gin Connoisseur Program (GCP) resumes with the theme for 2011 : "Traditionally Unconventional". The G'Vine Gin Connoisseur 2011 is the quest for the world's finest all-round gin bartender. As well as the usual contest elements of cocktail creation, the G'Vine Gin Connoisseur 2011 includes online modules, local contests in countries around the world, trainings, tastings, examinations, hanging out with Gaz Regan in the French countryside, and running your own bar at the G'Vine Summer Ball in Cognac! Chances to be the Gin Connoisseur 2011 are offered to every bartender across the world:
1. Each entrant must complete an online examination process including 3 interactive modules (Advanced Gin Cocktails, World of Bars, G'Vine Education). The exams are supervised and graded by the world-renowned expert, Philip Duff, an award-winning speaker, trainer, author and mixologist, and the owner of Liquid Solutions Bar & Beverage Consulting.
2. Any gin-loving bartender can attend the preliminaries held in March & April in Canada, Germany, Spain, UK and US, including Philip Duff's famous Prehistory & Evolution of Gin seminar, presentations by the World Finalists of the G'Vine Gin Connoisseurs Program 2010, a blind Gin Nosing & Tasting Challenge and a cocktail creation. Contenders must also create an original G'Vine cocktail and include it on their bar's cocktail list until the 29th of April.2b. If G'Vine isn't available in your country, or if it is available but no preliminary contest is being held in your country, you can still enter the GCP – as a Wild Card! You will have to make a short video making an original G'Vine cocktail and develop a unique interpretation of G'Vine's original catch phrase: "So Traditionally Unconventional." It could be in the form of any medium: a blog, a painting, a podcast, a videoclip, a photo, etc. These 2 challenges will be shared on youtube and facebook, and popularity (how many times it is "liked") is taken into consideration by the judges.
3. All the points for each challenge are tallied end of April and the 15 top-scoring bartenders will be flown to France in June for a week's worth of unforgettable GCP experiences: seminars with G'Vine's master distiller Jean Sébastien Robicquet, handpicking the vine flowers with bartending legend Gaz Regan, the opportunity to create his or her personal blend of G'Vine, speed drink-making contests, written examinations
Prizes :In addition to being granted the 2011 title of "G'Vine Gin Connoisseur", the winning bartender will receive over-the-top prizes including: $3,000, the platinum Vine Flower pin, a year's supply of G'Vine for your bar and the Gin Connoisseur experience of a lifetime : the opportunity to choose an intercontinental bar tour in either London or New York, visiting some of the best gin bars in the world.