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Called It: The New Absolut Vodka Flavor

The new flavor of Absolut vodka was just announced, "an exotic blend of all-natural green, red, and yellow apple with fresh ginger combine to create ABSOLUT ORIENT APPLE."

Apple and ginger, who could have guessed? Oh right, I did.

In this post I finally put it together that all of the Absolut city flavors eventually become regular Absolut flavors with minor tweaks. I said:

I'm gonna make a guess that the next Absolut flavor will contain red apple and/or ginger.

Because that's what's in Absolut Brooklyn. 






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I guess if you really want to keep up-to-date you could search for new registrations from V&S. The Orient Apple showed up in their database six months ago.

Camper English

Now you're just trying to create more work for me.

Greg Lindgren

Brooklyn, Orient Coast

Is the drink with red or green apple? I think I'd prefer green apple & ginger over red.
Good on ya for the prediction.

Marco Dionysos

I guess ABSOLUT SVEA wasn't so exclusively available in Sweden as we were led to believe.

Camper English

Well then I guess Sweden and Brooklyn taste exactly the same!

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