The Humble Potato and the Dangers of Monoculture
Camper English: Penthouse Model

Carved Ice Balls: Starter Molds

Here's a method that gets ice balls started using the cooler method for making clear ice.  This comes courtesy of Dave Michalowski, for I saw it on his Facebook page and asked if I could steal his pictures to share. Thanks Dave!

 He says, "I am using the round containers for the ice balls. I got them at the Container Store and they work perfectly. I believe they are three inches across and will snuggly fit into most old fashioned glasses. I saw off the end off the cylinder so the air doesn't get trapped in the bottom."

Cylendar out of cooler no ice  Cylendar in cooler Cylendars in cooler Ice cylendar
Ice sphere

Dave carves his spheres from the cylendars using a Japanese paring knife, something I've not been brave enough to try yet. 

An index of all of the ice experiments on Alcademics can be found here.


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