Theatrical Tableside Service at the World Class Competition in India
Manabu Ohtake of Tower’s Bar Bellovisto in Japan wins Diageo World Class Bartender of the Year 2011

Down to the Wire at the World Class Global Finals

Sorry I've been too busy to blog the last couple of days - there is so much going on here in New Delhi that I've been barely keeping up. In about 6 hours, which will be around 9AM California time, the winner of this competition will be announced.

I've been incredibly impressed and sometimes astounded with the quality of the bartenders here, so I am sure the winner will do the contest, his or her country, and bartenders everywhere proud. 

I won't have a chance to blog about it for a day or so, but please tune in to Alcademics's Facebook or Twitter account to see who will take home the prize tonight! 

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