Cocktail Menu: Seasonal Drinks at Walnut Creek Yacht Club, California
Gin and Cinnamon: Who'da Thunkit?

Where to Drink in San Francisco

In this past Sunday's Los Angeles Times Magazine there is a big feature on what's new in San Francisco: restaurants, bars, art and architecture, and retail. 

San-francisco-bars-clock-bar(Clock Bar photo from LA Times.)

I wrote the bars section. All bars were supposed to be less than two years old as of the writing of the story, with one exception for an unmissable classic. I chose Bourbon & Branch for that wild card. But anyway, that's the reason some other notable bars aren't on the list. 

Additionally, I chose several of the bars to see on a walking tour- the first bars in the story. The order is: 

  1. Comstock Saloon
  2. 15 Romolo
  3. Rickhouse
  4. Burritt Room
  5. Clock Bar
  6. Bourbon & Branch

I've done this tour with a few out of town guests. Note that if you're feeling ambitious you can add Rye and Cantina to the end. 

The list is here. Enjoy. 

(Bar Agricole photos by Allison Bank)

Perhaps one day I'll do a write up of all the best bars in SF. I end up sending that by email to bartenders visiting the city all the time. It would save me the typing. 


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Melissa W.

What's the status with the new manager at the Burritt Room? It was shockingly bad there last night. We had to explain what an Americano was. I was embarrassed to have taken my cocktail-loving out of towners there. So sad.

Camper English

The new bar manager is Joel Baker, formerly of Bourbon & Branch and NOPA. I would imagine things will improve dramatically soon...

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