Every Drink I Had at Tales of the Cocktail 2011
August 04, 2011
Below are the tweets sent out as I was recording every drink I had at Tales of the Cocktail for the second year in a row.
The totals are:
Wednesday: 18
Thursday: 41
Friday: 28
Saturnday: 19
Compared to last year, this looks like a ton more drinks. But really I kept it to small sips and tastes for the most part. I came home feeling less poluted than usual, so don't let the numbers terrify you. Tales is for amateurs too!
Thursday was the big day again, due to the Diageo happy hour event. I had the same number as last year, 25, but it looks like more drinks before and afterward.
Below are the individual drinks from my Twitter feed, many with pictures. Note they're in reverse order.

you absolute man.
Posted by: Dan Alvarado | August 04, 2011 at 09:20 AM
Well sampled, sir! And you looked excellent in the photos of the awards ceremony; sartorially splendid.
Thanks for being a great guest at our party! A new Lewis bag is such a handy gift for folks with extra bags of beverage ice around the place.
Posted by: Dinah | August 05, 2011 at 11:15 AM