A Visit to the Cointreau Distillery in Angers, France
Cane and Beet Sugar, Revisited

Camper's Cocktails in Every Day with Rachael Ray

I have a two-page spread in the November 2011 issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine

It has a few trends - stuff like fresh ginger and sherry/port in place of vermouth along with some ice cube tricks (recognize that rainbow ice?).

Rachael ray mag

Also it has four recipes I developed- a spirit-interchangeble mint buck, a Grapefruit Vesper, a Sparkling Cinnamon Punch, and a port/espresso dessert drink. Nothing ground-breaking but they're all pretty tasty. 

Run screaming to your local newsstand and pick it up!


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I'm actually disappointed it's not called "Camper's Cocktails."


Nicely done Camper!


Wow, you're really moving up in the world

Kostas Alexiou

Ice crazyness all around!
Keep it up Camper.
Cheers from Greece.


so cool! well done you.

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