Solid Liquids: The Deconstructed Midori Sour
Book Review: Bitters by Brad Thomas Parsons

Sugar in Italy

As part of the SugarSpiritLogoSquare1Sugar Spirit project, I am starting to be more aware of types of sugar in other countries. When traveling to Italy recently, I picked up a couple of packets of sugar. 

The "classico" sugar, according to my trip host, would be Italian-produced crystallized beet sugar.

The (slightly racist?) "tropical" sugar is labelled as "zucchero bruno di canna" or "brown sugar of cane," so it's like Sugar in the Raw but the grains are smaller. 

Rome sugar tropical cane and sugar beet_tn

Not a huge revelation but one data point that will hopefully be part of a large collection of others going forward. 


The Sugar Spirit Project is sponsored by Bacardi Rum. Content created and owned by Camper English for Alcademics. For the project index, click on the logo above or follow this link


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