Easter Cocktail Ideas
A Vegas Recipe with a San Franciscan Address

Alcademics Up for an Award. May I Have Your Vote?

Saveur badgeFor the second year Alcademics is nominated for Saveur's Best Food Blog Awards in the Best Cocktail Blog category. 

I'd appreciate your vote. 

Go here to sign up or sign in (sorry), then back to the voting page. You'll see a big VOTE button at the bottom of the page. If you don't see that button, you haven't signed in to vote. 

I won't harass you to vote too much on Facebook as I'm getting kind of tired of always seeing that stuff, so please vote now and get it over with.

 And while you're clicking, you might want to check out the other nominees in the category:


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Cheryl Stoy

Good...I voted for you ealier in March hoping you would get a nod again...off to vote again for you and here's hoping the second time around is gold. Cheers!

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