Free Papa's Pilar San Francisco Launch Party Oct 15th at Novela
Real Goofy Homebrew Club Names

Enter (Or Come Watch) the Pavan Sangria Challenge

This post is sponsored by Pavan.

Pavan_bottlePavan Liqueur has extended the submission deadline for The Pavan Sangria Challenge to October 25th.  The Pavan Sangria Challenge invites bartenders from around the country to showcase their talents by creating original Pavan sangria recipes inspired by the dream escape destination of their choice.  The winner will be rewarded with the ultimate prize of a dream trip for two anywhere in the world! 

The Pavan sangria creations will be judged on quality and taste, visual presentation, creativity and representation of dream destination. To enter, bartenders submit their original sangria recipes to by October 25th for a chance to be selected as a semifinalist. Visit the website for the official rules. 

I will be helping to judge the San Francisco semifinals at El Techo de Lolinda in the Mission.

The semifinal judging in San Francisco runs from 6-9PM on November 11. The event is open to the public and the bartenders will batch up sangria for us all to try. 

To see all the semifinal events and other dates for the contest, keep reading. 



October 25 – Submission period ends

October 30 – Semifinalists announced

November 11 – San Francisco
El Techo de Lolinda
2518 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

November 17 - Miami Beach
The Broken Shaker
2727 Indian Creek Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33140

November 19 - New York
King & Grove Williamsburg
160 North 12th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11249

November 24 - Los Angeles
41 Ocean Club
1541 Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90401

January 6 - 20 – Peoples Choice competition open on Facebook

January 23 – Wildcard winner announced

February 8, 2014 – Final Event in Key West, FL


For more information, check


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