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Alcademics and Camper English in Top 10 Finalists for Tales of the Cocktail 2014 Spirited Awards

1421114_10151946252813675_674438689_oToday Tales of the Cocktail announced the top 10 finalists in all categories for the 2014 Spirited Awards. 

This website, has made the list for Best Cocktail & Spirits Publication

Camper English, your host, has made the list for Best Cocktail & Spirits Writer


Voting for the Spirited Awards is already complete - the voting panel doesn't revote on the finalists but just from the initial list of many nominees. The list of the top 4 finalists will be announced later, and then the winners will be announced at the awards ceremony in New Orleans in July. 

The full list of finalists in all categories is here. Congratulations to all. 



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