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Books About Vodka I've Used in Research

Vodka booksI'm researching vodka and potatoes in a project with Karlsson's Vodka. In a previous post I wrote up a few books I sourced on the history of potatoes. Below are some books that were useful in researching the history of vodka. 

Vodka: A Global History by Patricia Herlihy

Classic Vodka by Nicholas Faith and Ian Wisniewski 

The Vodka Companion: A Connoisseur's Guide by Desmond Begg

Vodka Politics by Mark Lawrence Schrad

Vodka Distilled by Tony Abou-Ganim and Elizabeth Faulkner

The King of Vodka by Linda Himelstein

I'd say the most useful of them have been the books by Faith and Begg, followed by Herlihy and Faulkner (who did a nice summary of Faith and Begg).



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