How Many Potatoes are in One Bottle of Vodka?
October 17, 2014
Answer: This many.
This the how many are in one bottle of Karlsson's Vodka, that is. That is one 15-pound bag of Russet potatoes and two 1-pound bags of mini-potatoes, all stacked in my extra-large salad bowl. Perhaps I need to get a real hobby.
Karlsson's uses about 17 pounds of potatoes- nearly twice as much other potato vodka brands, because Karlsson's uses small heirloom potato varietals from southern Sweden. These potatoes are rich in flavor and protein but lower in carbohydrates than traditional Russet potatoes shown above. They are less efficient for distillation than fuel potatoes- but delicious to eat and drink.
To put it in perspective, I took the picture next to an empty Karlsson's bottle:
That's a lot of potatoes! They (well not these) will be fermented, distilled up to 96% ABV, then diluted back down to 40% for bottling strength.
This post is part of a little project on potatoes and Sweden I'm doing for Karlsson's Vodka. Karlsson's Gold is a blend of seven heirloom potato vodkas.
Read about my adventures to Sweden with Karlsson's and learn how it's made here.
A lot of potatoes indeed, but seems to be economically viable way of making vodka! That many potatoes will cost about one dollar in my country, while 1 liter of vodka goes for anything between 9 and 15 dollars.
Posted by: Sam | October 13, 2016 at 05:08 AM
Wow! Cool taterz
Posted by: tater | September 21, 2022 at 05:56 PM