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Audience Feedback on Camper's Tales of the Cocktail Seminar

Tales seminarA few months after this year's Tales of the Cocktail, I received the feedback from my seminar Bitter Flavors, Taste the Rainbow. I did pretty good! 

On the four categories: overall seminar, presenter quality, handouts quality, and amount learned, I received a rating of 9 out of 10 on all.  

Positive comments that came in from attendees: 

  • Camper and his presentation were very interesting - he is clearly a subject matter expert. Made me want to explore this theme more! One of the highlights of tales for me!
  • So amazing! We were so impressed not only with the style of the presentation but the content. The format. Everything. Amazing.
  • This seminar could not have been better unless it was 3 hours long. Camper’s personality & teaching style is an honor to be around. More bitters & more Camper!!
  • Very interesting tasting seminar. Super bar-nerdy which is a good thing. Very informative about the safety and taste of the ingredients in bitters.
  • My favourite seminar!
  • I’ve watched 2 or 3 of his other seminars. Funny, engaging. He did a lot of pre-work and clearrrrrly knows the in and out. Some of these presenters have 10+ years of only doing one thing, it seems he has actually done so much. Excited to see his presentation next year(s)!
  • Awesome job covering a difficult and complex subject.


Of the negative feedback, most was that I covered too much material (always better than too little, my greatest fear is that people will complain they didn't learn anything), or that the pace was too fast/topic was too advanced for some people (same). One person was mad about the font size of my handout. Two people said some of the slides were hard to read, so that's something I'll work on for next year. 

Feedback is always tough but luckily I had a ton of very positive responses to compensate for the negative ones. Go me. 



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