Ice Advice: The Right Way to Store Ice in the Freezer
November 19, 2018
Ice in the freezer can absorb smells from both the freezer and the refrigerator, to the surprise of many people. Ice can also sublimate (evaporate) and shrink fairly quickly. So you can either place your ice in a sealed bag/container, and/or do the same with your food.
In my fridge/freezer situation, I don't leave any food unwrapped so that the ice never absorbs food smells. I used to stick leftover pizza in the box in the fridge and by the next morning my ice would taste ever so slightly of it, so now I put the pizza in a Tupperware-type container. There doesn't seem to be any problem with uncooked vegetables stored in there (not smelly onions or garlic or anything), but cooked food is problematic.
For ice that you're going to be storing, I recommend either Ziplock style sealed bags or Tupperware-style containers. Those keep it sealed from sublimating and from absorbing smells. Easy.
If you want to see just how permeable ice is, add a drop of food coloring on top of a big block and watch how it flows into the cube along invisible cracks.
To read all the ice posts here on Alcademics, check out the Index of Ice Experiments.
I've gotten pretty protective of clear ice that I've gone to all the trouble of making, and have found odor-proof bags to be far better than the usual ziplocks available in grocery stores. I like bags better than rigid Tupperware so they can be reduced in volume as the ice gets used (I tend to have the ice stored for many weeks). I used to use OPSAK bags from Loksak, but discovered from an unintended experiment (donating one of my precious ice-preserving bags to address my wife's concern of refrigerator odors from her storing cut garlic) that they don't fully contain the odor. I also grew disillusioned from them in that the press-lock seals delaminated from the bag over time. I tried another one-off experiment of bags from Smellyproof (yes, a dumb-sounding name that belies the actual performance of them) and found they completely locked in all garlic smell. I used the 3 mil bags, but would have gone for the 5 mil thick ones had I seen them before ordering so hastily. I don't have long-term experience to judge their durability, but they appear to be sturdily made. There are other odor proof brands available but I didn't try to extend my experiments as my wife already thinks I've gone off the deep end on this (she would not be incorrect). And of course I'm assuming reciprocity of odor transport performance (i.e., if it can't get out, it can't get in), but that seems reasonable (I'm tempted to put fresh-cut garlic on the outside of a Smellyproof bag that has ice inside to really exercise this, but that really would be off the deep end). I'd love to hear if anyone has found other effective products.
Posted by: Seth Davis | June 01, 2024 at 07:15 AM
@Seth Davis - I had no idea there was such a thing as odor-proof bags, and I appreciate your dedication to the purity of ice flavor!
Posted by: Camper English | June 01, 2024 at 02:30 PM