Shanghai Sights - Photos from My Visit
A Zillion New Cocktail Books Out This Fall

Eyeballs Inside Ice Balls - Halloween Ice

I did another stupid thing! 

I bought some bouncy eyeballs in the Halloween section of the drug store and put them inside the IceOlogy clear ice ball maker.

The balls float inside the ice ball molds so when they freeze they're touching the outside of the ice ball- I'd prefer them to be fully enclosed in ice. Because the balls are not food safe I would not recommend serving these to customers in a bar setting, and because they touch the outside of the ice I'd not recommend serving them in alcohol, lest it degrade the plastic. 

Eyeballs in ice ballsIMG_6387
Eyeballs in ice ballsIMG_6387
Eyeballs in ice ballsIMG_6387

Eyeballs in ice ballsIMG_6397
Eyeballs in ice ballsIMG_6397

But anyway, another fun ice project for home. If you liked this, you might also enjoy these Spiders and other Insect Ice Balls I did last year. 


For an index of all sorts of exciting clear ice projects, visit the Index of Ice Experiments!



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T.E. Awls

Try using gummy eyeballs. Edible and creepy.

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