Notes on Rum from the Book Sugar: The World Corrupted
A Visit to Brucato Amaro, Made in San Francisco

The Big Drink 2022: 50 Iconic Cocktails in San Francisco

I just realized that this is my tenth year at making The Big Drink list for 7x7 Magazine. It's a list of iconic cocktails in San Francisco. Check out the 2012 version here.

As usual it's a list of super classics like the Irish Coffee at The Buena Vista and the Tommy's Margarita at Tommy's Mexican Restaurant, combined with drinks that have become iconic like the Mai O Mai at True Laurel and the Breakfast Negroni at Wildhawk. There's definitely a nod to the city's geography, as I tried to get something in most neighborhoods (but seriously there has never been a good option in Noe Valley despite the cocktail renaissance nearly everywhere else). 

So go check it out over at






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