Did British Gin Come from Dutch Genever After All?
New Booze August 2022

Improving the W&P Ice Cube Trays

I recently bought some ice cube trays from W&P Design. They have some funky new ones in blingy cubes and a star shape: 

WpstarBut of course if you just fill them with water and freeze them normally they'll come out all cloudy and ugly: 


So I had planned to freeze them atop a Thermos Funtainer like I do spheres, as I show in this post.  


So I did that, but on top of my IceOlogy tray: 



But I was thwarted, by a design feature - They have tiny holes near the top of the trays. This would be a feature when freezing regularly so that when the water expands into ice it doesn't push the mold apart. 

But when you place these upside-down atop a thermos, the water runs out the holes. 



The resulting cubes were less than half full. So I taped over it in the square mold. 


In the star mold, I was able to push the tray down to the level of the hold in my thermos. I used a Yeti thermos for the square mold this time. 



They're not perfect but the round one is MUCH better - see a video of it here. The square one is hard to get out of its tray in any case. 

For the index of ice work here on Alcademics, follow this link.




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