The Woman Who Steinbeck Steamrolled
The Only Good Alcohol is Made from Wine

Book Look: The Forgotten Sense The New Science of Smell and the Extraordinary Power of the Nose

I recently finished  The Forgotten Sense: The New Science of Smell—and the Extraordinary Power of the Nose



It’s a look at the forgotten importance of our sense of smell, an appreciation for it in a visual world, and mostly a readable narrative look at the modern science of smell, including studies about:

  • The fact and fiction of pheromones in humans
  • How the loss of smell can be an early warning sign for Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s Disease 
  • How smell works collaboratively with other senses
  • And why that allows us to be easily tricked! Such as when a white wine is dyed red. 
  • What the loss of the sense does to a person and the process of smell training to recover it
  • And how smell training may improve brain function and the function of other senses

Unlike molecular gastronomy books like Gastrophysics and Neurogastronomy, this book isn’t focussed on food entirely, but it was an interesting and very worthwhile read. 



Buy It (your purchases support my work):

The Forgotten Sense: The New Science of Smell—and the Extraordinary Power of the Nose

[amazon] [bookshop]



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