Ice in the Wall Street Journal
January 16, 2021
I was interviewed for a story on ice that appeared in the Wall Street Journal this week. Here's the story link if you have subscriber access. The intro part that mentions me is below. Read more →
I was interviewed for a story on ice that appeared in the Wall Street Journal this week. Here's the story link if you have subscriber access. The intro part that mentions me is below. Read more →
A few years back. a couple different ice adventurers figured out that you can use a silicone ice cube tray to make clear cubes in a directional freezing system (an insulated cooler in a freezer) simply by poking holes in the bottom of the tray, setting the tray on a... Read more →
Josh Colquitt [facebook page] contacted me on Facebook to share some clear ice work he's been doing. He has been filling a punch cooler (aka "beverage dispenser") with water and freezing with the top off inside a big top-loading freezer. The cooler freezes from top to bottom via directional freezing,... Read more →
I forget to link to places that write about my work and am trying to be better about that. This is how I earn a living, after all. John deBary, whose book Drink What You Want I reviewed on this post, wrote about a few techniques for Thrillist, and included... Read more →
In this story in The Guardian, I'm mentioned as "perhaps the pre-eminent cocktail ice scholar," in the section about ice snobs. I'll take it. The story isn't about me at all, but it's a long read (no really, it's a very long read) about the packaged ice industry through the... Read more →
It's time for the annual Alcademics drink book round-up! Below are all the books that have come to my attention in 2020. I don't follow wine/beer closely so there are only a few in that section. The links below are to Amazon and to If you buy stuff after... Read more →
I was emailing with Dale DeGroff about the new edition of his book The New Craft of the Cocktail: Everything You Need to Know to Think Like a Master Mixologist, with 500 Recipes and ice came up, as it does. It turns out he was using the big 1.25 inch... Read more →
This isn't the first year I decided to freeze some goofy stuff in ice for Halloween. Remember that all the years of ice experiments can be found at the Index of Ice Experiments page. Some previous years I've done: Creepy Halloween Mask Frozen In Ice Blocks More Eyeball Ice Balls... Read more →